Cleanse the body of parasites at home

Many health risks are posed by the parasites that have taken up residence in the human body. They pollute it with the products of their vital activity, poison it with toxins, cause serious illnesses and severe allergies, create a mechanical barrier in the lumens of the intestines, blood vessels, bile ducts, damage the mucous membranes andwalls of organs, isolate cells, contributing to their transformation into cancer cells.

To avoid health problems, it is necessary to cleanse the body of parasites. This can be done with chemically-based anthelmintic drugs, which can make health problems worse, given the side effects of these drugs.

If the course of the disease is mild or the infection is detected at an early stage, it is recommended to use proven folk remedies to cleanse the body.

Features of the preparation for cleaning the body of parasites at home

how to remove human worms

Antiparasitic treatment, regardless of the means chosen, is necessary to begin with a diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis of helminthic invasion, so as not to miss another disease, similar in symptoms, and also to consult a doctor about healthkidneys, pancreas and liver.

Two weeks before the start of cleansing the body, you need to switch to a vegetarian diet, and also exclude fatty, fried and sweet foods from the menu. The daily diet should include cereals (pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), fresh and / or boiled vegetables, fresh fruit juices, dried fruits, fruits.

Recipes of folk remedies for cleaning the body from parasites at home

Cognac + castor oil

cognac to cleanse the body of parasites

In the morning on an empty stomach, we drink 50 g of cognac and castor oil. Alcohol makes the parasites a bit dizzy and they will lose their ability to stay on the intestinal lining, castor oil will "work" as a laxative and bring out the worms. The course lasts three days.

Troichetka (collection of herbs)

  • Option 1. . . Dried tansy, wormwood and cloves (spice) are ground on a coffee grinder. For 100 g of tansy powder, 50 g of cloves and 30 g of wormwood are taken, the raw materials are mixed and stored in a tightly closed glass jar. One dose - 1. 75 g (flat teaspoon). On the first day, 1 dose is drunk in the morning half an hour before breakfast, the next day - 1 dose in the morning, and at noon, on the third day, an evening reception is added. Cleansing of parasites by means of a triad continues by analogy on the 3rd day until the powder is exhausted.
  • Option 2. . . In this case, the drug is composed of calamus powder, caraway seeds, calendula in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. The reception scheme is the same as for the triad of the first option.


pine cones against pests

Fresh pine cones are washed and boiled for 6 hours with periodic removal of foam, as well as the addition of water as it evaporates. After cooling, the broth is filtered, sugar is added to it, and the agent is kept at a slow boil for an additional hour. The drug is taken in two tablespoons on an empty stomach once a day. Course - months.

Cognac + garlic

garlic to eliminate parasites

To prepare a product for cleaning the body from parasites, 400 g of peeled chopped garlic is used, which is poured into 1 liter of brandy. The container is placed in a dark place for 3 weeks, after which the tincture is filtered and taken in the morning, 1 tbsp. The course lasts until the end of the remedy, which takes about 2 months.


wormwood from parasites
  • Powder. . . Dry raw materials (stems, flowers, roots, wormwood leaves) are crushed in a coffee grinder, but ready-made powder can also be purchased at a pharmacy. A means of cleaning from parasites is taken according to the following scheme: three days - one teaspoon every 2, 5 hours, the next four days - consumption is reduced to 4 times a day at the same dosage, the second week - thesame dose, but only twice a day. It is recommended to use the product 30 minutes before meals.
  • Decoction. . . A tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. After the broth is cooled, filtered and drunk a little during the day. The course lasts from 3 days to a month.
  • Infusion. . . Dry raw materials in the amount of 5 tablespoons are poured into 0, 5 liters of alcohol and put aside in a dark place for 10 days. The tincture is filtered and taken in a tablespoon twice a day for 30 days.


cinnamon to eliminate parasites

Every day for a month, you should eat 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon powder three times a day 30 minutes before meals, drinking plenty of clean water.

Pine nuts

pine nuts from pests

In order for the body to be completely cleansed of parasites, 6 kg of peeled pine nuts are required. Eat 100 products a day, chewing them carefully.

Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds from pests

300 g of pre-peeled raw pumpkin seeds (keeping the green skin on them) are crushed in a meat grinder, a full tablespoon of honey is added to the mass. The product should be consumed within an hour with good chewing. After that, do not eat or drink for 4 hours. Then drink a solution of magnesium sulfate (per 100 g of water - 1, 5 teaspoons), make an enema with pure water.


onions to cleanse the body of parasites

An onion of medium size should be finely chopped, sent to a thermos and filled with a glass of boiling water. Cap the container and let stand overnight. In the morning, filter the infusion and drink on an empty stomach. The course lasts 10 days.

Enemas - to clean the intestines from parasites at home

Garlic enema

garlic from parasites in the body

A small head of garlic is boiled until tender in 200 g of milk. The broth is cooled to room temperature, filtered and introduced as deeply as possible into the intestine. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. For an adult, all the broth is used, half is enough for a child.

Acid enemas

It is possible to clean the intestines of parasites with the help of enemas made from acidified water. You can use lemon, cranberry, sea buckthorn and lingonberry juice here. For an enema - 2 tablespoons of juice are taken per 2 liters of water. Enemas are given every day for 5-7 days. After completing the course, you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice and chamomile broth daily to restore the intestinal mucosa.

Soda enema

The cleaning is carried out in 3 stages. On the first, salt water is used for an enema (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of liquid), on the second - a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda is taken per 800 ml oflukewarm water), on the third - still salted water, but with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice. The procedure takes an hour and a half, it is carried out every other day, in total - 8 times.

Contraindications for cleaning the body of parasites at home

the doctor prescribes to cleanse the body of parasites
  • Cardiovascular and cancerous diseases.
  • Renal and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Individual intolerance to this or that product, which is part of the means to cleanse the body of parasites.
  • Gastrointestinal erosion and ulcer.
  • Bleeding from various origins, including the period of menstruation in women.
  • Pregnancy and breast feeding.
  • Acute period of chronic diseases, colds, infectious diseases.

Folk remedies for parasites should be taken at home in strict accordance with the recipe; in case of overdose, complications of the course of the disease can be caused.